Great reviews duo album HALO!
Over the past months, the CD ‘Halo‘, with works for piccolo and piano played by Ilonka Kolthof and Ralph van Raat, has received rave reviews in both the national and the international press. A selection:
‘‘The performances on this recording are first rate. The ensemble playing between the two is exceptional, and the two musicians play off another creating some remarkable tone colors.’’- Flute Talk Magazine, 2020 March issue
“Kolthof impresses with alternating brilliant and lyrical playing. Pianist Ralph van Raat excels in the demanding keyboard parts.” – NRC Handelsblad ****
“Ilonka’s playing is elegant and refined, even in staccato and flutter tongue. Control is the key word, also in Ralph van Raat’s piano playing. Recommended! – FLUIT, 2020 Spring issue
“Kolthof never sounds shrill and she whispers with her instrument (…). Her partner in crime is the unparalleled Ralph van Raat, who brings to the limelight, amongst others, Jan Vriend’s Sonata with much urgency. “- De Volkskrant ****